Friday, September 30, 2005

Damage at Erath Acadian Museum News - Vermilion mops up after flooding 09/29/05:
A block over at the Acadian Museum, founder Warren Perrin pulled out stacks of Cajun history books, maps and stacks of files with names like 'Truman Visits Abbeville Photographs,' 'Vermilion Parish Railroads,' and 'Thibodeaux Family Genealogy.'

All were stacked in a heap behind the museum, destined for the trash. Perrin said everything within 15 inches of the floor was soaked.

'They weren't letting anyone in on Sunday, but we managed to get in with the help of the Marines,' Perrin said. 'They gave us an hour. We got a truckload of the rarest items.'
Perrin said he trudged through about 6 inches of mud and grabbed most of the Acadian textiles held by the museum 'and as many of the original maps that we could carry.'

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