Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Genetic genealogy.

Amiraults try to track their roots: Men participating in genetic testing to determine lineage.
More than good food, music and fun await guests at this week's Amirault family reunion - a round of genetic testing may also give them a better understanding of their history.

Organizers of the reunion, held as part of this summer's Congres mondial acadien, will share their results, which may shed light on the region's first Amirault, Francois Amirault dit Tourangeau.

The DNA testing on 15 men involves local Amiraults, plus others throughout Canada, the United States and France....

Ms. Amirault said the project is also expected to confirm that many different branches of the Amirault family tree have the same roots.

She said there are at least 20 different spellings of her last name, including Mirault, Mireault, Amiro, Amero and Emero.

"The idea was to prove that all the Amiraults and Miraults and Amiros, and whatever spellings there are, are all related," she said.


Pantera51 said...

I am leaving this msg for Bill Cork who is the person who wrote this article. I have an "Amirault Paris" Lantern Clock of which I am trying to find out information on and the history of but have been unable to do so. After reading your Article on the Amiraults I am in hopes that you may be able to help me.

Pantera51 said...

Does anyone know of the history for Amirault of Paris? As I am trying to locate history on them . inpacticular to do with Lantern Clocks from the era of 1762 to the 1800's . I would appreciate any help or information you may have.
Thank You, Pantera51